It’s that time of the year! Anyone spending time on the mountains should be thinking about packing the following;
- Crampons
- Ice Axe
- Spare winter warm clothing
- Head Torches + Spare batteries (All year round)
- Group shelter
- Orange Survival bag + Foil Blanket
- Back-up GPS
As well as extra equipment please make sure you know how to;
- Use your Ice axe and crampons effectively
- Your map and compass work is on point
- Check out what the weather is doing (MWIS)
- Check out what the avalanche hazard is (SAIS)
- You’ve worked out a safe line of travel, taking into account all of the above as well as taking into account your own personal skill set (honestly!) This can be done by studying your maps prior to leaving home.
- Always leave a route card and/or tell someone of your intentions and what time you will be back.
If you’re struggling with any of the above then why not join us on one of our winter courses? We don’t just concentrate on Survival techniques for when things go wrong, but look at prevention rather than cure!
If you’ve been on one of our courses before, summer/winter/exped the we are offering 15% off your winter courses this 18/19 season…..bargain!