May Survival Weekend

3 Day Survival Course ✅

2 Day Survival Course ✅

Family Bushcraft and Survival Day ✅

A day to recover ❌

Guess we can’t get it all😂

We ran a 3 Day Survival Course which see’s participants follow PLAN-M, they start the course learning the theoretical side of survival, then they head up into the hill. Up in the woods they learn about how to build emergency and natural shelters taking into consideration heat loss. From there it was into fire lighting. The group is then tasked with making shelters with a plastic sheet and this is to simulate that they have found themselves in a survival situation and have to make a shelter with that material they have – makes it harder than a tarp! The following 2 days sees the group learn about acquisition, how to make an effective location action plan and get stuck into making an Thermal A-Frame Shelter. There is a lot of practical elements with the 3 dayers giving them a lot of time to put to practice what they have learnt. The 2 Day Survival Course follows a very similar program but a bit more condensed, however still challenging!

Our Family Bushcraft and Survival Day was a really fun and engaging day for all. They learnt how to build natural shelters, how to light fires and obviously got to toast marshmallows. The group also learnt about knife skills and put them to practice making a spatula. With some archery and slingshot activities as well!

A very busy weekend for the BCS team but over all a great success. Our calendar is filled with other dates so be sure to check them out to get involved.